meet the team

Weight Loss Wooster OH Dale Capela Meet The Team

Dale Capela D.C.

Dr. Dale Capela leads his own business, Complete Chiropractic LLC, and assists in the Living Well practice. Dr. Dale has been an active chiropractor in the community for almost 2 decades and holds one of the most successful practices in the state of Ohio.

He, holds a passion for sharing the incredible truth of how God made the body and how God made the body its own amazing healing communicators. Dr. Dale’s top priority is to restore proper communication to the nerve system which leads to the rest of the body and thus improves the quality and quantity of life. Together, Dr. Dale and Lydia continue on in their vision of transforming the lives of people in their community through healthy living. They are ready to help you next!

"Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours!"

- 1 Samuel 25:6

Weight Loss Wooster OH Lydia Meet The Team

Lydia Capela

Lydia Capela, the wife of Dr. Dale and homeschooling mother of six sweet children. Lydia launched Living Well in 2013. Her passion to see people healthy is what drives and motivates her mission.

Lydia understands and teaches that God has created us beautifully and wonderfully and we have been given the responsibility to be good stewards of our bodies. However, Lydia understands the time and life pressures that are a part of our busy culture. Lydia’s mission is to help grow and educate those on the importance and the need for weight loss and functional medicine. Since the start of Living Well, Lydia has helped hundreds of people successfully attain their weight loss and wellness goals. She knows that education and accountability are the key elements in helping people sustain their healthy lifestyles. From that knowledge, Lydia has incorporated a membership program to aide those who truly need the continued education and accountability partnerships. Lydia is always happy to help and leads her team with a smile.

Together, Dr. Dale and Lydia continue on in their vision of transforming the lives of people in their community through healthy living. They are ready to help you next!

"Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours!"

- 1 Samuel 25:6

Weight Loss Wooster OH Keirstin Meet The Team
Client Liaison

Keirstin Carrol

Keirstin joined the Complete Chiropractic and Living Well team in January 2014. Keirstin head’s up our support line and does an amazing job at assisting our clients through their weight loss and wellness journeys. She has a great passion for Health and Wellness and loves helping people achieve their God given potential.

Outside of the office, Keirstin loves to spend time with her husband, three beautiful children and friends. Her hobbies include reading, writing and listening to music. She absolutely loves to exercise and always feels energized and refreshed when she does. Keirstin loves to start each day with her bible and a hot cup of coffee! She is always well organized and ready to assist all clients and new patients through their day-to-day life.

Weight Loss Wooster OH Sarah Meet The Team
Wellness Consultant

Sarah Lange

Sarah started with the Complete Chiropractic and Living Well team in October of 2022. Sarah is one of our wellness Consultants and she is passionate about helping people pursue wellness as a lifestyle. She is one of our certified Styku specialists, as well as, the Body Composition Analysis. Sarah holds a bachelor’s degree in Theology so she’s also always ready and willing to join with you in prayer!

Weight Loss Wooster OH Sicily Meet The Team
Living Well Assistant

Sicily Gliozzo

Sicily joined the Complete Chiropractic side of our combined office in 2022! She recently moved over to our Living Well side in May of 2023. Sicily will be one of the very first smiles you will meet in our office!

Sicily helps out at the front desk and makes sure that our office is well organized and ready for each client, whether it is your first time or if you have been coming for years! Sicily's sweet personality is a joy to have in and around our office.

Sicily is currently in school and is working diligently towards her higher education! She loves horses, dogs... any and all animals! Sicily loves to travel and attend concerts as much as she can! Sicily will always make sure you are well taken care of and that you leave the office happy with your services!

Weight Loss Wooster OH Aric Freischlag Meet The Team

Aric Freischlag D.P.T., C.P.T., F.M.T.

After finishing school through a modern medicine and more mechanical route, Dr. Aric stumbled into Holistic Health through his own personal health journey. Since then, Dr. Aric has made it a passionate mission of his to help individuals, of all backgrounds and ages, get their bodies to a place where they thrive and unlock their God-given healing potential.

By taking a comprehensive holistic approach to healing focusing on Nerve Supply, Nutrition, Movement, Sleep/Recovery, and Mindset, Dr. Aric specializes in empowering individuals to reach optimal wellness and live the healthiest version of themselves. Dr. Aric oversees the Functional Medicine department at Complete Chiropractic and Living Well. The office is located in Wooster, Ohio, where he resides with his wife and 2 daughters as a family focused on living a holistic lifestyle.

Weight Loss Wooster OH Ashley Meet The Team
Social Media/Marketing

Ashley Havener

Ashley moved over to the Complete Chiropractic and Living Well team in October of 2020 but currently works out of state. Ashley helps with the first big steps of any weight loss program – getting you started! She wants you to feel ready and confident in achieving your weight loss and wellness goals before you truly begin.

Ashley loves to get to know patients and clients and is ready and willing to answer any questions about our programs. Ashley loves to hike, hunt, swim and kayak. She loves spending time with her husband and sweet little boy. She has a passion for the Word of God and loves being in church. Ashley is ready to meet with you and assist in your goals as soon as you are ready to begin your journey.


9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 2:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Complete Chiropractic and Living Well

5225 Cleveland Rd Suite A2
Wooster, OH 44691

(330) 345-3336